10 Easy Christmas crafts for kids to make for the tree this year

10 Easy Christmas Crafts for Kids to make this holiday season. Quick, easy and gorgeous, and perfect for preschoolers and toddlers.


We tend to get a little carried away with the homemade Christmas crafts at this time of year! Last year, we set out to make a different Christmas tree ornament every day in the month leading up to Christmas. By the time the holidays rolled around, the Hooligans had made so many ornaments that parents were joking that their Christmas trees were starting to lean over under the weight of all of the handmade decorations.

I thought it would be fun to round up a few of our easiest ornaments for you as a handy resource for when your kids want to do some holiday crafting this December.

Here are 10 of my favourite simple decorations that kids can make at home, preschool or daycare.


Have fun with them!

 1.Pipe Cleaner Christmas Tree: thread beads onto a pipe cleaner and bend the pipe cleaner into the shape of a tree.

2.Felt Mitten Ornament: cut two small felt mittens and attach with a length of yarn.  Decorate mittens with beads and sequins.

3.TP tube snowmen: cover toilet roll tubes with felt or quilt batting and decorate with craft gems and fabric scraps.

4.Milk Carton Gingerbread Craft: paint small milk or juice cartons and decorate with craft foam.

5.Homemade Gingerbread Man Ornament: cut a gingerbread man from brown paper and decorate with craft scraps.

6.I Spy Ornament: fill a glass ball with artificial snow and random toys and craft items. Provide a list of things to look for.

7.Poinsettia Christmas Tree Ornament: wrap a toilet roll with red paper and then cut into 5 pieces about 1 inch thick. Flatten them out to get petal shape. Glue tissue paper to tops and let dry. Hot glue petals together and top with a button together at center. Glue some artificial leaves to the back. We added glitter glue to the petals as well

8.Craft Stick Snowman Decoration: paint a craft stick white, and decorate with craft foam.

9.Candy House Christmas Ornament: cut a house shape from cardboard and cover with colourful paper or fabric. Decorate with craft scraps.

10.Woolen Star Christmas Ornament: cut cardboard stars and wrap with wool, securing with hot glue.

Retrieved From: https://goo.gl/r3PJ6y

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