Family Care
Can Mother Breastfeed if She had a Cold?

Breast milk is rich in protein with various immune substances, to every baby is very nutrient, especially the secretion of colostrum soon after delivery can help the baby resist the invasion of various pathogens, milk also enhance the baby's immune system, to avoid the new-born babies allergic reactions, and to provide comprehensive nutrition and prevent colds, diarrhea, constipation risk. But many mothers do worry about once accidentally caught a cold; should they or should they not continue breastfeeding? Will bacteria spread to the baby through breast milk?


Pediatric specialists say that colds are transmitted by droplets and, even if the mother had a cold, their baby will not be infected through breast milk. When mother in having a cold, her body will produce the most precious body immune anti body, so doctors do encourage the mother should continue breastfeeding because the child will get the antibodies through the breast milk and enhanced their immune system, prevent virus infection. Unless only for HIV (HIV), the first type of human T cell leukemia virus (HTLV-1) and the use of anti-cancer drugs are banned breastfeeding, so the common cold, symptoms such as diarrhea or fever is not a problem, but at this point mothers should maintain good personal hygiene, wash both hands and must wear a medical mask.


Most prescription cold medications, including gastrointestinal medicine and so on, will not affect breastfeeding, nor will any adverse reaction to the baby, the mother does not need to stop breastfeeding. Pediatrician reminded that only a very few contain anti-cancer drugs, chemotherapy drugs, particularly narcotic analgesic agents should be avoided, most of the medical drugs, to the baby is not a problem. However, it is recommended, such as breast-feeding mother should first consult and make it clear to the doctor for the correct prescription.


If some mother still worried, then they can feed their baby first then take the medication. This approach can make the time for baby breastfeeding, the drugs inside the mother’s body is reduced to a minimum.

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