Wine & Chocolate May Lower Diabetes Risk


Consuming foods and drink with high levels of flavonoids – such as dark chocolate, red wine and berries – could prevent females developing diabetes, according to new research.

These food groups are associated with lower insulin resistance and better blood glucose regulation, scientists from the University of East Anglia and King’s College London claim.

And their consumption is also reported to lower inflammation – which, when chronic, has been linked with conditions including diabetes, heart disease and cancer.

Prof Tim Spector, from King’s College London, said: ‘This is an exciting finding showing that some components of foods that we consider unhealthy, like chocolate or wine, may contain some beneficial substances.’

The study, published in the journal Nutrition, looked at the eating habits of almost 2,000 healthy female twins.

Those who regularly consumed certain flavonoid subgroups – anthocyanins and flavones – were found to have lower insulin resistance.

‘High insulin resistance is associated with type 2 diabetes, so what we are seeing is people who eat foods rich in these two compounds – such as berries, herbs, red grapes, wine – are less likely to develop the disease,’ explained Prof Aedin Cassidy, from UEA.

‘We also found that those who ate the most anthocyanins were least likely to suffer chronic inflammation.’ But she added: ‘What we don’t yet know is exactly how much of these compounds are necessary to potentially reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.’

About 3million people in Britain have the condition, with another 850,000 estimated to suffer from it without realising, according to Diabetes UK.

It has been associated with obesity and a lack of exercise.

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