Family Care
Children Allergic Rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis is heredity generic and can be related to close relatives who have allergic rhinitis, the prevalence rate would be higher. Those who have allergic genes will be associated with allergic rhinitis, asthma, eczema, rubella, and allergic conjunctivitis.


Allergic rhinitis in general appear in spring and autumn time, but Hong Kong is warm all year round, so when the onset of wet weather, the opportunity was will get higher. Common allergens such as cats and dogs fur and their saliva, dust mites, pollen, stuffed toys, carpets, smoking, or climate change can cause allergic reaction. Children in addition to nasal congestion, runny nose, some will also have itchy eyes, fatigue, nosebleeds and so on. If you find that your child have a black eye, he may be suffering from allergic rhinitis.


Pediatrician point out that child who is troubled by allergic rhinitis will have symptoms such as headaches, memory and concentration deterioration, irritability and sleep problems, this could also happen in a few months old baby with common symptoms like snoring and shortness of breath, if not treated properly, can affect sleep quality, reduced ability to learn, parents should not underestimate the relevant treatment.



Avoid contact with allergens:


- use anti- dust mites mattresses and pillows; put away or use plastic bags to pack up the stuff animal toys; washing bed sheets quilt every week in hot water .


- Best to avoid having pets at home. If there is a pet at home, please do not let them go into the child's bedroom and the kitchen. Do not use carpet. With air cleaners might be helpful.


- If pollen-sensitive, please try to close windows and use air conditioning, clean filters and replace device regularly.


- In moist and dense weather try to have the room humidity goes below 60%, this can slow down the dust mites, mold growth and reproduction.


- Indoor environment must be clean with fresh air circulation.


- Curtains should always clean.


- Avoid dirty or air polluted  places.





- Daily use salted water to clean nasal 1 to 2 times.


- Taking anti-histamine drug, taking several weeks to several months depending on conditions.


- Use nasal spray-type or oral steroids. "Many parents worry about the side effects of steroids, but can take as long as directed. Research shows that short-term growth of children or have little impact, but will not affect the long term."


- If the situation goes into a serious condition, use sublingual immunotherapy.


- If allergic rhinitis caused  nasal polyps or other serious abnormal growth, an operation may be needed.

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