Family Care
Baby Items to Take When Going Out

Taking the baby out for activities can be certainly a hassle, it might be forgetting to bring diapers, or forgetting to bring a sweater? In the mist of these situations might regrets that not prepare ready for some items in advance, which will reduce a lot of unnecessary trouble. The following are some outdoor baby supplies, every parent can prepare accordance to the supplies list below, have a clear understanding when gathering the necessary supplies together, which can save a lot of time, but also be easy to take the baby out hassle free!



For Reference:


Feeding Bottle & Milk Powder Container

Feeding bottle is the most important. In addition, milk powder should be contained in the 3 layers milk powder box compartment; this is very easy to go out immediately to make a bottle of milk.



Nappies and diapers are essential items, parents needs to bring along 2 to 3 pieces, can also bring along a large plastic sheet for changing diapers.


Baby Wipes:

Sterile baby wipe have many uses, great for changing diapers when going out, and can clean the baby's dirty face and hands. If the child does have scratches or bumps accidentally, wet wipes can help clean the wound.


Baby Handkerchief & Bib: 

Used to clean baby face, wipe up drools or use when feeding time, reduce the chance of wet clothing to prevent sensitive to the skin.


Plastic Bags:

Some people may find strange, why plastic bags are necessities; actually this can come in very handy. It can be used to hold trash, but also can pack the dirty baby clothes to take home; can also put dirty diapers into plastic bags for cleaner hygiene.


Baby Thermos:

Always have warm water for baby to drink, or for heating up the bottle.


Baby Snakes & Fresh Water:

Baby nutrition snacks are great for giving them adequate nutrition. Fresh warm water can restore moisture to their body and good for making a bottle of milk.



Prevent changes in the weather; a sweater should be preparing when going out with the baby, the thickness of the sweater should be adjusted according to the seasonal changes.



For newborn babies, the body resistance is low, with a set of spare clothing is also very useful. For baby who sweats a lot, it is recommended to bring spare clothes to change.


Favoriate Toy:

Parents can carry a few things that are baby’s favorite, such as story books or small toys. When they are in a naughty mood, then these are great "distracting" strategy.


Baby Stroller:

 The lighter the strollers the better it is to carry around. Recommend any season should carry an umbrella, just in case.


Besides the above items, in the summer parents can bring along some sunscreens, a towel or paper towel (wipe sweat), insect repellent, hat; at winter time parents can bring some baby oil and moisturizer.

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