Family Care
Cod Fish Oil Supplements in School's Lunch Menu

Hong Kong Institute of Education, Department of Psychology, earlier collect about 1,000 kindergartens school’s food meals for review, about 80% in recent election materials on the menu and cooking methods have problems, found out that some kindergarten school have added some not recommended health food such as "Cod Liver Oil” drop and other related supplements, in addition these schools arranged for their children to have high fat meals high-sodium foods such as fried rice, luncheon meat tomato sauce, baked beans and other processed foods, in the afternoon tea time the school provided sweetened water, peanut butter with condensed milk etc high level of sugar and high level in calorie food, this will causes the children to have adverse health effects.


The study also interview nearly 500 parents and 700 children pre-school workers, found that there are still a misconception most parents believe obese or overweight for their children's stature is normal.


Scholars remind us, in addition to pay attention to the quantity of food, the kindergarten menus should also be low-sugar, low fat, low salt seasoning principles, together with such as steamed, boiled, baked and other simple cooking methods. Although some children will resist at first lighter food, but the taste buds of children under 5 years old is at growth development, over-seasoned, will cause them to addicted to over flavor and sweet taste when grown up, they will not like fruits which will bring far-reaching implications in their future life.


Scholars believe that early childhood educators to improve the training curriculum should include menu design and teach students the proper degree of body mass index for the BMI (Body Mass Index), BMI is a more accurate indicator of body fat measured and widely for medical used by industry, and the use of EMI to communicate with parents, child care can improve their health awareness.

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