Knowledge & Skills
Swimming for baby can help brain nervous system

Baby learning to swim is an instinct and the potential of stimulating the full range of muscle growth and movement. Newborns in the United States and Europe from 4 to 6 weeks will start swimming. Baby swimming courses in Germany start from 4 months old, Japanese baby started swimming at about 6 months, in fact, just 3 months old baby can go to swim in the water, because at this stage baby have the strength to start to lift up their head, grasping things, has a stable immune system, at the same time great exercise to increase muscle ability and in water the temperature do not drop so quickly.


Relevant experiments show that infant swimming helps the healthy growth of the baby, swimming can help the growth of the brain nervous system, enhance IQ intelligence and inspiration; at the same time baby can freely use their limbs in the water which help conducive to the flexibility of the skeletal system, soft nature and balance, and promote growth of the baby height, so that the baby cab be more physically strong; pressure can increase the baby's lung capacity, improve cardiovascular function, enhanced immunity, especially asthma, nasal allergies is the best treatment methods. In addition, swimming will consume some energy, so after swimming, baby sleeping and appetite be greatly affected, these factors can reduce the bad sleep habits and to promote digestion and absorption of food.


Firs timer baby only need to be in the water for 5 minutes, does not recommend staying in the water for too long, to prevent heart hormone gets too heavy, but with increasing age or the baby adapt to circumstances, can slowly increase the swimming time, but not more than 10 minutes maximum . If the baby is not use to the habit, they may need to adapt more time in the water, parents must be patience to try several times, and accompanied them to play, and then slowly increase the time, but do not force the baby. Also, remind parents to avoid 2 hours after meals or before meals and 1 hour swim, so as not to cause gastrointestinal discomfort.

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