Baby Care Yesterday and Today

Judy is the mother of a boy and a girl. The kids have both grown up and are developing very well in different professions. A few months back, Judy was promoted to grandma. Shortly after her retirement, Judy, upon the request of her son, agreed to look after the grandson for four days a week. As it has been quite some time since Judy took care of babies, she read a lot of books for this “new mission” to review and update techniques in baby caring.

Judy, after all the reading, realized that there is no one method in taking care of babies; different people have different ways, and some are even contradicting! Therefore, we should not blindly trust literature, but have to observe carefully babies’ reactions. In addition, comparing her experience to contemporary experts’ opinions, the concepts of baby caring now and the past are indeed different. Here are some examples





Sleeping Posture 

The information flowed in from the western world in the 70’s advocated prone sleeping, thinking that babies would feel more secure.

New research indicates that the risk of sudden infant death syndrome, and thus suggests babies sleep on their backs.


There used to be choice of round-headed or flat-headed artificial nipples.

New the artificial nipples are all round; the flat ones are not common.

Milk Bottles 

In the past, most of the milk bottles were made of glass.

Now the milk bottles are made of special plastic.


In the past, people were not as particular in the formula of milk powder, and the range of choice was also not as wide.

Now the different formulae take care of different developmental needs of babies at different stages; there is also a good range of brands for parents to choose from.

Mixing Milk 

The way to mix milk powder and water was a up-and-down shaking movement; the powder could easily dissolve.

It is suggested now that mixing milk powder and water in movement as if you are rubbing the bottle will not produce as much gas.

Solid Food

Before, babies started to take solid food (in porridge form) at the age of 4-5 months old.

Now, pediatricians suggest that babies could take solid food in porridge form only when they have reached 6 months of age, as they are not able to absorb the solid food when they are younger.

Drinking Water 

In the past, moms would give their babies some water to drink between meals.  Sometimes, they would feed them with Job’s-tear seed water as formula milk powder is believed to be producing internal heat from herbal doctors’ perspectives.

Now, pediatricians generally believe that milk contains water, and that the digestive systems of babies cannot be overloaded.  Therefore water between meals is not advisable.


In the past, the number of vaccinations was much smaller, and the examination items at babies’ health care centres were much fewer.

Now, due to the increased severity of diseases, babies have to take vaccination against different syndromes.


Before, cloth diapers were popular; they could be washedand re-used, and are comparatively environmental.

Now, almost all parents use paper and self-adhesive diapers; they are much more convenient and easily disposable.

After Changing Diapers 

Before, when changing diapers, parents will pat the babies’ buttocks with talcum powder after cleaning to make them drier.

Now, Vaseline will be applied after cleaning to moisten the skin.

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