Mozart Music Help Growth of Premature Infants

Study found that premature babies listen to Mozart's music, will help them feel calm, slow down metabolism and increase the effect of body weight, and will have a physiological positive effect to the heart. Studies suggest that this may due to the music of Mozart melody have a high repetition rate.


 Earlier Israel goes through some study, recruited 20 healthy preterm infants for examination. Firstly these premature babies were given 30 minutes of listening to Mozart music, after that two more days without music in a calm resting state, for comparison, the results in the first two days for premature babies listening to Mozart music, obviously slows down metabolic rate to 13%, followed by the two no music days, the metabolic rate have increase than before. In these studies, Israel researchers found that Mozart's music slow down metabolism in premature infants, which help increase the effectiveness of body weight.


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