All Pre-School ~ Kindergarten Article - Nourished Campus


Too Much Medicine Oil or Cough Syrup can lead to Poisoning for Baby  2011-01-27

There are many parents who own a variety of medicated oil and cough syrup just for their child in an emergency needs, but many parents do not know the original ingredients in these medicated oil which may contain chemicals " Methyl Salicyate " ingredients...


The Influenza Peak Season  2011-01-27

Each year February and March are consider the winter flu season months, the Food and Health Secretary Mr. Chow said last week that Hong Kong has entered the influenza peak in winter and 70% of patients are infected by the swine influenza H1N1 virus...


Sweet Fruit Milk Shake  2011-01-20

Avocado is the fruit of a fulfilling fruit, half of this fruit providing 8.6 grams of carbohydrates, 6.9 grams of fiber...,


Is it appropriate for little kids to intake Chinese tonic?  2011-01-11

Winter is the peak of cold and flu season, especially for children who are more susceptible to illness, many parents for the sake of the little one’s health,...


Asthma  2010-11-12

Stepping into the autumn season is also the peak of asthma relapse, with the highly air pollution index, dry north wind, cold weather, influenza, and viral effects, making children vulnerable to catch cold.