All Global Information Article - New Medical Scientific Discovery


Infectious Risk ! Death from Caesarean Operations  2015-04-24

UN officials say procedure should only be done when ‘medically necessary'… Over a quarter of women in England now have a caesarean birth… The rate, which includes voluntary mothers, has doubled since early 1990s… 


CUHK Researcher Named Croucher Senior Research Fellow 2014-15  2015-04-21

Professor Liwen JIANG, Choh-Ming Li Professor of Life Sciences, has been presented the prestigious Senior Research Fellowship of The Croucher Foundation, in recognition of his outstanding achievements in the international scientific community. The award was presented by The Honourable Mr John Tsang Chun-wah, Financial Secretary for Administration of the HKSAR Government. 


Pregnancy Could Have 'Rejuvenating Effect'  2015-04-17

Researchers in Jerusalem found pregnancy helps regenerate tissue… Suggest pregnancy could restore mother's muscles' ability to regenerate… Claim mice 'got youth serum injection' from babies they were carrying…


How An Apple A Day Really DOES Keep Ailments at Bay  2015-04-10

Nurses wanted to know if 'an apple a day keeps the doctor away' was true… Found apple eaters were equally likely to go to the doctors as others… However, they were less likely than to use prescription medication… Apple eaters were also more educated and less likely to smoke… 


The Secret of Forgetfulness  2015-04-02

Researchers were able to identify neural fingerprints of memories… Found recall can cause us to forget other competing memories… Could be used to help people forget traumatic memories…