All Pregnancy Article - About Pregnancy


Depressed New Mums Too Scared to Seek Help  2016-01-06

Pressures to be a perfect parent and to breastfeed can trigger the illness… Mothers shunned advice because they did not think it was 'bad enough'… Also feared their parenting ability would be questioned by social services… Postnatal depression affects up to 15 per cent of women in the country… 


How to Cope with Pregnancy Mood Swings  2015-12-09

During pregnancy, your body is going through incredible hormonal changes. These changes can affect your skin, teeth, hair, body and emotion. Mood swings during pregnancy are normal. Sometimes simply understanding and ensuring that the people closest to you also understand is all you need to do...


Having Children Can Mean A Longer Life for Women  2015-11-27

Imperial College London researchers analysed data of 322,972 women… Discovered breastfeeding is also linked to a longer life, as is taking the pill… Previous research has found that men also benefit if they have children… 


Baby Kicking – 9 Facts You Need To Know  2015-10-16

Whether it’s your first baby or fourth, every pregnant mama looks forward to feeling flutters and kicks from her baby. Known as ‘quickening’ it’s a reassuring sign that your baby is growing and thriving. Not all the movements you can feel are actually kicks from your baby. 


Pregnancy IMPROVES A Woman's Memory  2015-09-11

Scientists claim pregnant women don't have 'baby brain' and are brainier… Study found those who are expecting performed better on memory tests… Canadian researchers say pregnancy may super-charge the grey matter…