All Pre-School ~ Kindergarten Article - Nourished Campus


10 Best Ways to Feed Your Baby  2016-08-19

I love food. I have a master's degree in nutrition. One might say I'm obsessed with eating. Yet, until recently, I couldn't understand why so many moms talked—with pride or despair—about whether or not their kids were "good eaters." Then I had kids.


Why Should Children Play Sports?  2016-08-03

Sports, whether team-based or individual, are a great activity for children that provide a variety of benefits other than physical activity. Participation in sports can help build self-esteem and confidence, can motivate children to excel academically and can help build social skills. Participation also can teach children the benefits of goal-setting and practice.


Is Your Child’s nutrition linked to their behavior ?  2016-07-20

Short attention span, hyperactivity, tantrums, and ADHD. Do those things sound familiar in your child’s behaviour?Inevitably, some parents have to deal with these issues, you may see it in a restaurant, you may see it from your next door neighbour, you may see it at home with your unending requests to your child who don’t want to go to sleep yet.


How Is Swimming Good for Kids?  2016-07-08

Splashing around in the pool appeals to many youngsters. While spending time in the water is often enjoyable, it has other benefits, too. Explore the positives of swimming to learn how your children will profit in the short and long term from learning water safety and swim strokes.


Babies Given Paracetamol are Nearly a THIRD More Likely to Develop Asthma  2016-02-18

Babies given paracetamol were more likely to have asthma by age 3… Taking drug during pregnancy increases risk of asthma developing later… Experts: Drug causes free radical molecules to trigger allergic reaction… Researchers also found a link between ibuprofen in infanthood and asthma…