All Pregnancy Article - Health Care


What you can do to prevent premature birth  2016-08-08

These steps can help reduce your risk of preterm labor.

Lauren Fleming was born in February 2004 – three months before her due date in May. Her mother, Nikki Fleming, now 39, a social worker near Charlotte, North Carolina, was with a client when she started having contractions. “As it progressed, I realized that something was going wrong,” Fleming says. Already in “horrible pain,” she found that fluid was leaking. She went straight to her OB-GYN and learned she was 2 centimeters dilated.


10 Ways To Eat Healthy While Breastfeeding  2016-07-07

It’s easy to let your eating get off-track when you’re a new mom. You’re so strapped for time, you don’t have five minutes to do dishes, let alone a distraction-free hour to prepare something healthy to go on to those dishes. But don’t fall into the trap of letting your health take a backseat to everything else going on. After all, your body’s healing from childbirth, you need energy to keep up with baby, and you’re probably looking to get back into pre-pregnancy shape.


Want intelligent children? Eat FRUIT During Ppregnancy  2016-06-14

Each daily portion of fruit consumed increased test scores by 2.38%... But amount of fruit the child ate made no difference to test performance… Suggests pathway it effects is particularly susceptible during gestation… 


How Celiac Disease Affects Pregnancy  2016-05-25

Celiac disease (CD), one of the most common autoimmune disorders in the world, is also one of the most underdiagnosed, in no small part thanks to the many different ways it can present in the clinic. In the past, CD was thought of as a children’s malabsorptive disease and was characterized by chronic diarrhea, abdominal distension, fatigue, and vomiting. But CD patients can experience many non-gastrointestinal symptoms, and a recent paper from Italy attempted to review how CD can affect the reproductive health of women.


Twins or More: Signs of A Multiple Pregnancy  2016-05-18

A rapid and early weight gain during the first trimester often indicates a multiple pregnancy.