All Pre-School ~ Kindergarten Article - Growth Development


Night-Time Toilet Training  2016-02-11

Are you looking for some help to keep your little angel's bed dry at night? You will have to spend some time potty train them. Even if you have helped them learn how to use potty during daytime, it will take some time and patience to help them understand how to do it at night. Keep reading to learn some tips to make night-time toilet training a bit easier.


Noisy Electronic Toys Affects Babies' Verbal Skills  2016-01-28

Study found that toddlers talk less when their toys talk, sing, light up more

As parents scramble to find the perfect gifts for their children this Christmas, new research suggests that electronic toys that light up, talk or play music might slow language development in toddlers.


Absent Parents Harm Child's IQ  2015-12-30

Youngsters who live apart had larger volumes of grey matter in brain… Grey matter is a major component of the central nervous system… Study suggests growing up without parents may delay development… The study of children aged seven to 13 was conducted in China…


Baby crying? Don't talk, SING!  2015-11-20

In the study, healthy babies listened to recordings of baby talk, adult-directed speech, and 'play' songs in Turkish, so that they were unfamiliar… University of Montreal researchers played the recordings until the infants displayed the 'cry face', which is the most common sign of distress… When listening to songs, babies remained calm for around 9 minutes… For baby talk and adult speech it was roughly only half that long…


6 Unreliable Signs That Your Baby Is Ready For Solids  2015-09-18

Starting solid food with your baby can be an exciting time. But how do you know when to start?